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Almost There..

 Well, I suppose this could be considered "close" with regard to home, the shore and the gazillion memories any native California girl has at the beach...we're trying to connect the dots and bridge the gap from TX to CA creating a new home is really difficult when you come from Paradise....but we're almost there.
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Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! 7-Up...Sentences

Seventh grade writing is upon us.  State testing begins March 27.  I know, I knooow. "But you're a homeschooler, you don't neeed testing"  Too true but I WANT it. Is that so wrong? I have not approached testing peppered with stress and negativity.  We approach testing as an encouraging guideline, confirmation we're headed in the direction we'd like to go...I never turn away constructive criticism and testing, in my opinion, is just that.

With that said...7 up sentences are one of my fave faves! Wait! No! I digress.  7-up sentences are delightful, delectable and delicious in every way.  They burst with bubbles of interest and excitement.  7-up sentences delight the literary getting the "picture"? 

My college level oldest child is an excellent writer.  Does she get all her smarts from me? Well,...ok no but...she did learn and retain lessons from a 4th grade year of homeschool during a relocation and for this I am grateful.

7Up Sentence Worksheet
Try it! You'll absolutely positively without a doubt... fall in sweet love with this!

Merry Homeschool Christmas & Baking Week to You!

Have I mentioned how much I absolutely enjoy homeschooling my thats one thing I can say I do appreciate about Texas - their liberal laws hahahah (bet that would just tickle them'all knowin' I, a native Californian, think they're liberal)  Anywhooo, the fact that I have full opportunity to teach my children at home allows me to offer classes such as French and Spanish and brush up on my skills as well.

This week we have allowed ourselves room in both waistline and timeline for the Science of Baking!
What have we concocted? 
Toffee - learning about heat, boiling points and softball, crack stages of sugar.(Chemistry anyone?)  The absolute importance of excellent Chocolate - why, Ghiradellis (San Fran) OF COURSE and proper clean as you go method (work ethic)  Fudge has been both success and failure BUT we dont regret eating our faults...Why would it not firm up? Were our measurements correctly calculated when we double or halved recipes...(+ - * = check your work. :)  Eggnog fudge was the big hit and white chocolate macadamia was a close second...(mode, medium, range) Hark! Do I hear Math?

Thanksgiving and Tech Support....

My morning began watching the Macy's Day Parade as tradition would have it and a phone call from my mom. She's doing well but has some "tech support" type questions..."Michele, I want to see your blog" "ok go to" "Where do I put that? On the Google line?" ...and no blogspot in the world has enough space to continue on with the Laurel andHardy Antics that happened this Thursaday morning...

Click Below for further understanding:
Saturday Night Live - Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy - Video -

IKEA, a girl's best friend

Oh how I love love love IKEA....from my old stomping grounds it was a straight shot from my door to theirs but I have found a way back to my beloved all things awesome store! My husband!! I just had to ask once (ok maybe 3 times three weekends in a row but thats neither here nor there...) Anywhooo I have found the best organizers that make the Container store look like amatuers...ok maybe not but STILL IKEA is soooo reasonable not to mention "coolness factor"

The hanging rods were $2.99 and the hanging baskets were 1.99!!
I used mason jars and painted chalkboard paint on the lids (make your own) Use recipe below for large projects or a bottle of craft paint and 2 TSP unsanded grout
Pinned Image

So easy to organize the Homeschool area or Art room - any room really!